MC-BRB: Maximum Clique Computation
This repository implements maximum clique computation algorithms proposed in our KDD 2019 paper. If you are using the code, please cite our paper.
Lijun Chang. Efficient Maximum Clique Computation over Large Sparse Graphs. KDD'19, 2019
Compile the code
$ make clean
$ make
It generates an executable “MC-BRB”.
Run the code
Different algorithms can be invoked by executing “MC-BRB”.
$ ./MC-BRB {alg} {graph_directory}
alg is chosen from “MC-DD, MC-EGO, MC-BRB, verify”
An example of computing the exact maximum clique for the dataset CA-GrQc is as follows
$ ./MC-BRB MC-BRB datasets/CA-GrQc
Data format
Each graph is represented by two binary files, b_adj.bin and b_degree.bin (e.g. datasets/CA-GrQc/b_adj.bin and datasets/CA-GrQc/b_degree.bin). More details of the data format can be found in