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Maximum k-Plex Computation: Theory and Practice

This repository implements the maximum k-plex computation algorithm kPlexT proposed in our SIGMOD 2024 paper. If you are using the code, please cite our paper.

Lijun Chang, Kai Yao:
Maximum k-Plex Computation: Theory and Practice.
Proc. ACM Manag. Data 2(1): 63:1-63:26 (2024)

Compile the code

$ make clean
$ make

It generates an executable “kPlexT”, which corresponds to the kPlexT algorithm.

Run the code

$ ./kPlexT -g {path_to_graph} -k {k_value}

An example of computing the exact maximum 3-plex for the dataset CA-GrQc is as follows

$ ./kPlexT -g datasets/CA-GrQc -k 3

Data format

Two data formats are supported. The default data format is “edges.txt”, which contains a list of undirected edges represented as vertex pairs. The first line contains two numbers n and m, representing the number of vertices and the number of undirected edges, respectively. Note that, the vertex ids must be between 0 and n-1.

The more time-efficient format is the binary format; to read the input graph from this format, please add “-b” when running the code. Each graph is represented by two binary files, b_adj.bin and b_degree.bin (e.g. datasets/CA-GrQc/b_adj.bin and datasets/CA-GrQc/b_degree.bin). More details of the data format can be found in

Get datasets

10th DIMACS graphs collection:

Real-world graphs collection: