Core Decomposition Algorithms
This repository implements the algorithms presented in our monograph “Cohesive Subgraph Computation over Large Sparse Graphs”. If you are using the code, please cite our monograph.
Lijun Chang and Lu Qin. Cohesive Subgraph Computation over Large Sparse Graphs. Springer Series in the Data Sciences, 2018
Compile the code
$ make clean
$ make
It generates an executable “core_decompose”
Run the code
$ ./core_decompose ../datasets/as-skitter/ list-heap output
$ ./core_decompose ../datasets/as-skitter/ array-heap output
$ ./core_decompose ../datasets/as-skitter/ h-index output
$ ./core_decompose ../datasets/as-skitter/ output
$ ./core_decompose ../datasets/as-skitter/ hierarchy output
Note that, parameter “output” is optional
- list-heap uses linked list-based linear heap for core decomposition
- array-heap uses array-based linear heap for core decomposition
- h-index uses h-index-based core decomposition
- The third one is similar to array-heap, but directly implements the logic of the data structure within core decomposition without explicitly constructing a new class
- hierarchy constructs the core spanning tree